Как на английском языке пишется экономист?

Вопрос знатокам: Так написано в дипломе.
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«an Economist on speciality World economics»

Ирина …:

Интересно это куда там такое нужно? Иммиграционная виза?


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Ответы знатоков

Тимур Куашев:

My future profession — an economist. In organizations, economists are involved in the development of a budgeting system, monitor budget execution. For this work to higher education, as well as deep knowledge of economic theory. The work of the economist is connected to a computer and a large number of papers. My family and friends approve of my choice. I believe that this profession will always be needed, so in the future I will not stay without a job


пишите сочинения сразу на английском. не делайте двойную работу

Александр Золин:

My future profession — an economist. In organizations, economists are involved in the development of a budgeting system, monitor budget execution. For this work to higher education, as well as deep knowledge of economic theory. The work of the economist is connected to a computer and a large number of papers. My family and friends approve of my choice. I believe that this profession will always be needed, so in the future I will not stay out of work.

БлОндИнкА в зАкОнЕ:

My future Job Title is economist. In organizations, economists are involved in the development of budgeting, monitor budget execution. For this work, you need to have higher education, as well as deep knowledge of economic theory. The work of the economist is has to do with computer and with lot of paperwork. My family and friends endorse my choice. I believe that this profession will always be needed, so in the future I will not stay without the job.

wear — strict business suit

последнее предложение можно так: I believe that this profession will always be in demand, so in the future I will not stay out of work.


Я не очень представляю, куда вы эту фразу вставите. Такие вещи обычно пишутся более формальным языком, типа:

2008 — настоящее время
Кизлярский Бутербродостроительный Университет. Кафедра: Сыры и Колбасы. Специальность: Автоматизация процесса изготовления сандвичей.


I study Economics

Andy_Life is a dream_Gavrilkin:

I’m studying in….(название университета на английском. Скажем, Ryazan’ State University of Economics), speciality — .(название специальности на английском)

«Учусь на экономиста» — это разговорный стиль, даже по-русски. В официальном документе — не покатит

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