Как на английском языке пишется челябинск?

Вопрос знатокам: задали в универе написать текст об истории Челябинска на английском ответив вот на эти вопросы. Помогите справится с заданием совсем не знаю английский(((((((
What city do you live in?
Chelyabinsk— a big city to Russia, its area of 837 km ².
With the city population — 1 095 900 persons.
Chelyabinsk has been based in 1736 to year.
Is your city a big cultural centre? Why?
Can you say it’s an educational centre?
Is it an industrial or agricultural region
Are there many parks and gardens in it?
What famous countrymen do you know?
What is your city famous for?
Are there any ecological problems in your home place?

С уважением, Tasha

Лучшие ответы

Юля Кошелева:

Fortress Chelyaba, from which the city takes its name, was constructed on the site in 1736; the city was incorporated in 1781. Around 1900, it served as a center for the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway. According to official statistics the population on 1 January 1913 was 45,000 inhabitants. In the decades after the Finnish Civil War in 1918, some 15,000 «Red» Finns defected into the Soviet Union. Most of them were transferred to Chelyabinsk via railway. In 1938, during the great purges, most of them were executed. Their mass grave is located near the Zolonyi Gora’s former gold mine, and today bears a small memorial.

During the Soviet industrialization of the 1930s, Chelyabinsk experienced rapid growth. Several industrial establishments, including the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant and the Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant, were built at this time. During World War II, Joseph Stalin decided to move a large part of Soviet factory production to places out of the way of the advancing German armies in late 1941. This brought new industries and thousands of workers to Chelyabinsk—still essentially a small city. Several enormous facilities for the production of T-34 tanks and Katyusha rocket launchers existed in Chelyabinsk, which became known as «Tankograd» (Tank City). Chelyabinsk was essentially built from scratch during this time. A small town existed before this, signs of which can be found in the centre of the city. The S.M. Kirov Factory no. 185 moved here from Leningrad to produce heavy tanks — it was transferred to Omsk after 1962.

Chelyabinsk has had a long association (since the 1940s) with top-secret nuclear research, though this is more properly applicable to Chelyabinsk Oblast as a whole, as nuclear facilities such as Chelyabinsk-70 (Snezhinsk) are, or were, located far outside the city. A serious nuclear accident occurred in 1957 at the Mayak nuclear fuel reprocessing plant, 150 km north-west of the city, which caused deaths in Chelyabinsk Oblast but not in the city. The province was closed to all foreigners until 1992.

никита тюрин:

мне это в 7 классе задали

Михаил Марсов:

А мне в третем…


Это видео поможет разобраться

Ответы знатоков


Chelyabinsk. ul. Lenina, dom 27, kv. 7

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